
Recycling is weekly... and it's "single-stream" as well

The confusion about the weeks on which recyclables will be collected along with trash has ended. Philadelphia has taken another step into the 21st Century and is now picking up recyclables every week. And the city is continuing with its "single stream" program, in which all recyclables can be placed in the same containers.

Here's what is recyclable at the present time:

Here's what's not recyclable at the present time (and can foul up the system)

More details are available on an information page at the KRF website: www.krf.icodat.com/krf recycling.htm.

Recycling bins are provided at all KRF buildings. If yours is missing, or isn't big enough for your needs, please call or e-mail the office and we will get more for you. We are using the blue bins provided by the city, along with the white 5-gallon plastic pails in which paint, plaster, and other construction materials are packaged.

Please use these for your recyclables – and do not put nonrecyclable trash into them because this will contaminate the recoverable stream.

Note: Cardboard and otherwise acceptable food containers with plastic or foil liners, and those contaminated by food remnants or grease, cannot be run through the city's recycling system; the latter include but are not limited to pizza boxes and take-out cartons from fast-food outlets. Please any such items in with the nonrecyclable trash.

To facilitate recycling and also keep the alleys from getting too messy between collections, we have started bagging twice a week. Trash and recyclables will be moved to the rear of the alleyways on Friday afternoons, so containers will be empty over the weekend and will have enough capacity to handle last-minute disposal on Monday.

If you have trash or recyclables on Tuesday mornings, and the material at the curb has not yet been picked up by the Streets Dept, please bring your new waste to the curb rather than leaving it in the containers in the alleys where it will be around for an entire week.

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