
Setting out your trash & recyclables

Trash is normally collected at the curb on Tuesday mornings, in the neighborhoods where KRF buildings are located. Our staff sets it out late on Monday afternoon, to ensure that it's ready if the Streets Dept comes by early in the morning. (Note: When Monday is a holiday, trash will be set out on Tuesday afternoon for pickup on Wednesday morning. This also holds for recycling, when it is scheduled that week).

The process will be most orderly and least messy if you make it a point to take all the trash out of your unit and place it in the areas designated for your building by mid-day on Monday. Second best is to carry it to the street on Tuesday morning and place it at the curb.

It makes no sense whatever to put trash in the alley or other storage area on Tuesday – either:

Trash is an inherent problem in a high-density neighborhood, with no infrastructure for proper storage. Some attention to the times and places you set it out can avoid making the situation worse than it has to be.

The neighborhood has single-stream recycling every week, on the same day as regular trash collection. Single-stream means you can mix your recyclables in one container. You can do your part by separating items such as #1 and #2 plastic (generally beverage and detergent containers), newspaper, flattened cardboard cartons, and metal cans from the rest of the trash and place it in the recycling buckets in your alleyway. Also, please be careful not to throw regular trash into these buckets because it makes the items other people have separated un-recyclable.

KRF staff will continue to take trash from the alleys to the curb for collection. You may bring your recyclables out yourself the evening before or the morning of scheduled pickup. Or, you may place them in the alley during the week - but please keep them apart from the non-recyclable trash.

Click here for more details about recycling specific to KRF buildings:
www.krf.icodat.com/krf recycling.htm

For more information about the Philadelphia recycling program in general, call the Streets Department hotline at 215-685-7329 or visit the website at:

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